Fall Newsletter 2022

The fall season is in full swing and we are enjoying the cooler weather and the smell of pumpkin spice in the air! This time of year is always a reminder for us to have gratitude and connect to those near and far.

We are grateful for our connection with each of you in our wonderfully talented dental community. Our commitment to produce the best patient experience possible continues to be our first priority. Here’s a taste of some of the things we’ve cooked up to better serve our patients and referrals at La Jolla Village Endodontics

In late April we began remodeling our office space which concluded in July. With construction on nights and weekends and some early shift work to piece the office back together before patients arrived, we completed the transformation without interruption of patient care. We are thankful that the work is done and glad to have our mornings back! A large part of the upgrading was focused on the operatories. Unneeded cabinetry was cleared in each operatory, producing a more spacious area to operate while giving an esthetically clean, sleek look. We added an additional working operatory which improved our workflow, especially when both Dr. Stewart and Dr. Javelet are seeing patients. This year the office also started using the endo-specific software TDO (The Digital Office). The new software allowed us to transition all our patient records from paper charts to now digital charts, another huge upgrade! The old patient record storage areas were able to be transformed into additional administrative spaces throughout the office. Add in a little paint, new lighting, new ceilings, curtains, and updated art and we could not be more thrilled with the fresh new space for patients.

LJVE is also excited to report that as we continue to implement our new endodontic software into the workflow, more features are becoming available to you through the LJVE website (www.lajollavillageendodontics.com). These features help streamline communications between our team
and yours. You can now log into our website through your doctor portal to refer patients, upload images, view reports, and live chat with our front office. If interested in this feature, please contact our office for a login and password. Do not fret; reports will continue to be emailed as they are published in case you wish not to jump on the doctor portal bandwagon at this time.

Dr. Stewart and Dr. Javelet are excited with all the evolutions happening at LJVE. Thank you again for all your support and trust that you show in the team here at La Jolla Village Endodontics. Here’s wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and bountiful fall season

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