Fall Newsletter 2021

We’ve had some exciting additions to the office this year. Dr. Stewart
joined the team this spring which expanded our hours to 5 full days a
week to help better accommodate our referral base. In addition, we’ve
added three quality team members to round out the supporting front and back office crew. The schedule has worked out really well and we are able to provide the high quality care you’re accustomed to while greatly increasing our office availability.

Dr. Stewart has enjoyed working in La Jolla and getting to know the
incredibly talented referral base that LJVE serves.

Dr. Javelet has enjoyed maintaining patient care while freeing up time to spend with his family, golfing, and playing music.

There are a few minor upgrades at the office going on this fall that we feel will give an overall improvement to your patient visits. You may have already noticed that we started to switch some of our report templates in order to better fit CBCT screenshots and the intraoperative photos from the camera we’ve added to the microscope. Also, over the next few months we will be doing some construction work to the office.

The work will include re-doing the ceilings, lighting, window treatments, and reconfiguring some of the operatories in order to better fit some exciting new technologies that are becoming available in endodontics. Construction plans will be limited to the weekends and should not impact
patient care hours.

Thank you again for all your support and the trust you give us in treating your patients. Have a great fall season and we will see you soon!

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